What to Expect

On your first visit you can expect professional courtesy, answers to your questions, and a well thought out treatment plan for your pain relief and overall comfort.

The first visit will be a bit paperwork intensive. Please fill out your new patient forms on our patient portal before your visit. Once your health history is documented, it will quickly lead to your comprehensive examination with your doctor which will, in turn, lead to your diagnosis that establishes a baseline for your treatment care plan and outcome expectations

For your acupuncture appointment: Dr. Caitlyn will discuss your concerns and create a customized treatment plan for you. She will typically treat what’s bothering you, plus any other underlying conditions that may be connected. You’ll lie down on a heated bed and she will select the appropriate points to insert hair thin, sterile, single-use needles. These needles go into various points on your body, called meridians. These are energy channels in the body. Through thousands of years of learning, traditional Chinese medicine has compiled very complete and complex systems of meridians. The acupuncturist puts needles into those meridians to help regulate and move the body back to homeostasis, or wellness. Typically, sessions may go for 20 to 30 minutes depending on your treatment. She will usually dim the lights and put on quiet music to help you relax. She come in and check on you throughout your session to make sure you’re comfortable. Many patients actually fall asleep during the treatment. Please be sure to eat something before your acupuncture treatment and wear loose comfortable clothing.

For your chiropractic appointment: Whether you prefer gentle "light" adjustments or traditional "diversified" adjustments, Dr. Tenckhoff utilizes the full range of care. A treatment generally includes heat therapy, flexion distraction, adjustments, soft tissue work, and lifestyle counseling. Dr. Tenckhoff’s treatments includes the Cox Technique which is the most researched and safe treatment in chiropractic today. The spinal and extremity adjustments are geared to your body and your preference. Many people have found what works for them with other chiropractors. Others have had too much or too little treatment. Treatment in our office is a blend of old and new for the maximum relief possible, and always with your safety and health in mind. This starts with the best examination and diagnosis prior to any treatment.  

We look forward to your visit! View our office hours to take the next step in your pain management.