Synovial Cyst
A synovial cyst is a fluid-filled sac that develops as a result of degeneration in the facet joint of the spine. The fluid-filled sac creates pressure inside the spinal canal that compresses the nerves and causes pain. Synovial cysts nearly always develop in the lower back and are referred to as lumbar synovial cysts. These cysts are uncommon and are not cancerous. Many synovial cysts will not cause any symptoms. If a lumbar synovial cyst grows large enough, it can result in spinal stenosis, a condition in which the spinal canal becomes too narrow for the spinal nerves to move freely. This causes pain and cramping in the back and legs, which grows worse if you stand too long.
Cox Technic protocols that incorporate the use of positive galvanic current into the cyst to drive out inflammation and sedate nerves along with Cox Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression of the facet joints to open the canal space, drop intradiscal pressures and increase disc height offers relief non-invasively. Several case reports have been published on the protocols and outcomes using flexion-distraction.