A subluxation is a partial dislocation within the body. This dislocation typically occurs in a joint. Many people seek chiropractic care for joint subluxations that are creating serious pain and discomfort. A subluxation can happen to people of all ages. In fact, even children are susceptible to subluxations that result from being picked up or gently pulled by their caregivers. Subluxations can occur in a variety of areas throughout the body.
There are two main causes of subluxations. The first is the impact from an accident. Everything from a car accident to a bad tumble on the pavement can cause joints to partially dislocate. Unfortunately, the subtlety of a subluxation often causes it to remain overlooked during post-accident examinations. The fact that you can often maintain at least some degree of motion in the impacted area makes it even harder to identify this condition. Of course, the pain, discomfort and swelling that often persist with a subluxation can make life difficult. Subluxations can also occur “spontaneously” even if you haven’t sustained an injury from an accident or fall. Joint weakness can be a culprit. Someone with a medical condition that causes joints to be more flexible is certainly at a higher risk. Pregnant women are also at risk for subluxations during pregnancy because of the way pregnancy hormones loosen ligaments and joints. In addition, people who have performed repetitive motions due to specific sports, exercises or job duties are at risk for subluxations.
A subluxation can manifest differently depending on the part of the body where it’s experienced. However, there are some general symptoms that seem to be common. Here’s a look at what you might experience when dealing with a subluxation:
Pain near the impacted joint.
Reduced mobility.
Feelings of instability around a joint.
Balance issues.
Numbness or tingling.
Altered gait or range of motion.
Pain is sometimes the only symptom. However, it’s possible that symptoms could escalate if a partially dislocated joint is not treated. The goal in treatment is to reduce inflammation, eliminate pain and recover full function.
You can also experience some secondary symptoms that don’t seem immediately connected to your subluxation. For instance, some people actually report anxiety or mood issues when the spine is out of alignment. Headaches are also common. Unfortunately, living “out of balance” due to a subluxation can negatively impact your well-being.
Subluxation treatment must be customized to fit the location and intensity of the injury. Targeted chiropractic adjustments can be especially effective for subluxations. An adjustment is a manual technique that applies varying degrees of pressure and positioning to realign the impacted joint. It’s important to have a potential subluxation properly analyzed and located by a licensed chiropractor prior to beginning treatment. In addition to an adjustment, techniques like icing and elevation may be beneficial.
Your chiropractor will instruct you regarding self-care techniques that can be done at home to supplement the effectiveness of an adjustment. These add-on treatments won’t actually do anything to readjust the placement of a dislocated joint. However, they are often effective at reducing inflammation and hastening results. The goal is to get the partially dislocated joint back into proper positioning to reduce pain and further injury. Most subluxations that are caused by the impact will not reoccur. However, it’s possible that subluxations could present again if joint weakness is a problem.