
Spondylolisthesis is a condition involving spine instability, which means the vertebrae move more than they should. A vertebra slips out of place onto the vertebra below. It may put pressure on a nerve, which could cause lower back pain or leg pain. This condition is when a vertebra slips out of place, resting on the bone below it. Spondylolysis may cause spondylolisthesis when a stress fracture causes the slipping. Or the vertebra may slip out of place due to a degenerative condition. The discs between vertebrae and the facet joints (the two back parts of each vertebrae that link the vertebrae together) can wear down. Bone of the facet joints actually grows back and overgrows, causing an uneven and unstable surface area, which makes the vertebrae less able to stay in place. No matter what the cause, when the vertebra slips out of place, it puts pressure on the bone below it. If you feel leg pain, it can also be caused by compression or a "pinching" of the nerve roots that exit the spinal canal. The compression or pinching is due to the vertebrae slipping out of position and narrowing the needed space for the nerves.

Regaining stability to an unstable spine requires gentle treatment with Cox Technic as well as rehabilitation and exercise to strengthen and balance the muscles and ligaments of the spine.